NAVIGATING LIFE WITHOUT GOOD GLASSES is a daily adventure of decoding street signs and mistaking strangers for old friends. That’s where Specsavers steps in. The optical retailer knows that quality glasses aren’t just a fashion statement; they’re a passport to a world where clarity reigns and mishaps take a backseat.
Specsavers is committed to changing lives through better sight, that’s why it selects only the most qualified and experienced optometrists to join the business, and in-store team members who prioritise customer wellbeing and satisfaction above all else.
Specsavers is committed to providing local, friendly service to every visitor to its stores and is constantly listening to customer feedback and evolving the customer experience to ensure it is not only efficient, but enjoyable and exceptional.
Right from their first day on the job, new team members take part in an award-winning training programme. Specsavers optometrists are constantly updating their knowledge on optics, products and client support while in-store teams focus on connecting with customers so that they not only enjoy their visit, but leave with products that exceed their expectations. They are also armed with technology that alerts them when a customer needs help, whether that’s simply an adjustment, support in using a new product, or a frame change to better suit their needs and style.
Visit specsavers.com.au